Hand Therapy. Hand orthosis. Level 2.

Day 1
Hand orthosis - Introduction 
- Tools, materials, application of orthosis fabrication (splinting) principles
- Analysis of thermoplastic and characteristics
- Principles of immobilization/mobilization
- Analysis of static-progressive, dynamic, and serial static orthoses (splints)

Wrist support splint (brace) 
Thumb Spica splint (thumb arthritis)
Thumb CMC care splint
Anti – claw hand orthosis (n. ulnaris palsy)
Thumb short opponens splint (CMC)
Hand POSI (Position of Safe Immobilisation)
Hand rest splint (Functional position)

Day 2
Finger orthosis
- Trigger finger
- Swan neck deformity 
- Mallet finger
Dynamic orthosis
- Drop wrist orthosis (n. radialis palsy)
- Capener orthosis (PIPJ extension orthosis)
Dorsal Blocking orthosis 
Introduction to Mechanotherapy in Hand therapy